Hey Ben Krempp thanks for reading! I have not had much of the “kill the back button” conversations, but sounds a bit like “kill the pull to refresh”.
Riffing here a bit, I think the “back button” actually does a few interesting things beyond going back.
The back button tells a user they are not on a “main screen.” If there is enough space the back label can tell the user where they came from. If a mobile app user leaves an app when they come back they will easily be able to know they are at least 1 level deep, they don’t have to remember.
The back button also allows users to quickly understand difference between being in a deeper level or a model which has a “cancel” or “close” buttons.
While iOS and Android have built-in OS way to go back, before killing the back button I’d want to think through what other context the button gives the user and what else needs to be replaced, because I’d guess it’s more then the action of going back.
Also I like the Safari rethink here : https://medium.com/tall-west/lets-ditch-the-nav-bar-3692cb17cc67